Luljeta Pinguli
University of Tirana. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Department of Industrial Chemistry; Tirana, Albania
Ilirjan Malollari
University of Tirana. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Department of Industrial Chemistry; Tirana, Albania
Lorina Lici
Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Faculty of Geology and Mining, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
Jonilda Llupa
Lab of Food Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece

4th International Conference – ERAZ 2018 – KNOWLEDGE BASED SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Sofia- Bulgaria, June 7, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia;  Faculty of Business Studies, Mediterranean University – Podgorica, Montenegro; University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria; Faculty of Commercial and Business Studies – Celje, Slovenia; Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance – Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-12-7


The objective of this paper is to provide information for identification of energy efficiency opportunities available for breweries. Breweries are relatively large scale plants and highly energy consuming industry. There are different ways to reduce energy consumption in the brewing industry. The overall specific consumption of energy used in a brewery, vary with the mix of package types, processes and equipment employed, the brewery’s size, age, and the overall level of efficient energy utilization. Energy consumption is equal to 5% of the production costs of beer, making energy efficiency improvement an important way to reduce costs. Efficient use of energy consists on conservation and recovery.
Energy conservation, reduce the amount of pollution generated from production processes (e.g., CO2, NOX, SO2, ash, etc.) and reduce the energy requirements for waste handling and treatment. These measures give significant results in lowering the operational brewery costs. There are several methods of energy recovery proposed in this paper that can be considered by breweries to reduce energy consumption
In the brewing industry, 80% of the energy used is for process heating. It is pointed out, that most of the electrical consumption in a brewery is used for powering refrigeration plants. The areas of action which will produce immediate results include: condensate return systems, recycling of cooling water, effective control of boiler efficiencies and the latest developments in electrical power consumption. Longer range possibilities directly affecting the process are also considered, including water and heat recovery in pasteurizers, flash pasteurization techniques, heat recovery from brew house and reduced wort boiling times

Key words

Energy, recovery, conservation, efficiency, environment, operational costs


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