Veton Vula
​University College ”AAB” Prishtina

4th International Conference – ERAZ 2018 – KNOWLEDGE BASED SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Sofia- Bulgaria, June 7, 2018, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia;  Faculty of Business Studies, Mediterranean University – Podgorica, Montenegro; University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria; Faculty of Commercial and Business Studies – Celje, Slovenia; Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance – Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-80194-12-7


One of the organized crime activities in the modern world is trafficking with the human beings. Organized crime at the same time is considered key factor on incitement of trafficking with the human beings-activity which despite the violation of human rights of individuals threatens also the security in the region and broader. However, the increase of trafficking comes as the consequence of economic, social and political none quality of people in many developing countries and those in transition. Seen from the aspect of human rights trafficking is a complex and multidimensional problem and it is also a modern form of slavery. It is treated as: abuse of human rights which touch upon a group of human rights of victims of trafficking. Obligations and recommendations that derive from international documents consist on improving the status of the victims as well as offering some rights for victims of trafficking.Β Β 
On prevention and combating trafficking with human beings international community as well as states individually have undertaken preventive and repressive measures in order to prevent and combat this profitable activity for organized criminal groups.
Principle of non punishment of victims is seen in a number of international standards, including those with binding legal and political force approach, which respects in every time the dignity and the human rights of victims of trafficking. In the opposite punishment of the victims of trafficking linked directly with their trafficking is violation of their basic dignity.

Key words

trafficking with human beings, human rights, identification, principle of non punishment


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  7. OSCE Ministerial Council, Decision No. 8/07 Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation (Madrid, 30 November 2007), para. 4; OSCE Permanent Council, Decision No.557/Rev. 1 OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (Vienna, 7 July 2005), Chap. III para. 5, Chap. V para. 3, Addendum para. 5
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  17. EU Directive 2011/36/BE e Parlamentit Evropian dhe KΓ«shillit e datΓ«s 5 prill 2011 pΓ«r parandalimin dhe luftΓ«n kundΓ«r trafikimit tΓ« qenieve njerΓ«zore dhe mbrojtjen e viktimave, dhe qΓ« zΓ«vendΓ«son Vendimin KuadΓ«r tΓ« KΓ«shillit 2002/629/JHA (5 prill 2011), Neni 11.5.
  18. Beings for Labour Exploitation (Madrid, 30 November 2007), para. 3; OSCE Ministerial Council, Decision No. 5/08 Enhancing Criminal Justice Responses to Trafficking in Human Beings through a Comprehensive Approach (Helsinki, 5 December 2008), para. 10; OSCE Permanent Council, Decision No.557/Rev. 1 OSCE Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (Vienna, 7 July 2005), Chap. IV, para. 6.1.
  19. United Nations Working Group on Trafficking in Persons, Non-punishment and non-prosecution of victims of trafficking in persons: administrative and judicial approaches to offences committed in the process of such trafficking, CTOC/ COP/WG.4/2010/4 (9 December 2009), para. 4, (Grupi i PunΓ«s i Kombeve tΓ« Bashkuara pΓ«r Trafikimin e Personave), vizituar mΓ« 10 prill 2013
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  21. UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking, E/2002/68/ Add.1 (20 May 2002),Β 
  22. European Court of Human Rights, Case: Rantsev vs Ciprus and Russia, Application no: 25965/04 (Strasburg, 7 January 2010), ​