Boris Bursać – National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Trg Nikole Pašića 13, Belgrade, Serbia

Andrija Blanuša – Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia



Keywords:                       Terrorism;
Modern society


Abstract: There is no country, no inhabited territory on the globe that is im­mune to terrorism. Although the roots of terrorism go back a long way, ter­rorism is a product of the modern age, and its causes and motives are differ­ent. Therefore, the authors identify terrorism as a world problem, because as a manifestation in one environment, it never isolates itself, but spreads very quickly to other areas. In this paper, a new, somewhat intimidating form of terrorism, better known as agroterrorism, is analyzed in detail. This pa­per aims to explain more precisely this new, modern form of terrorism, to make a clear distinction between the concepts of bioterrorism and agroter­rorism, as well as to assess potential threats and consequences of agroter­rorist attacks.

8th International Scientific ERAZ Conference – ERAZ 2022 – Conference Proceedings: KNOWLEDGE BASED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, Online-Virtual (Prague, Czech Republic), May 26, 2022

ERAZ Conference Proceedings published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans – Belgrade, Serbia

ERAZ conference partners: Faculty of Economics and Business, Mediterranean University, Montenegro; University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria; Faculty of Commercial and Business Studies – Celje, Slovenia; AMBIS University, Prague – Czech Republic; Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance – Belgrade, Serbia

ERAZ Conference 2022 Conference Proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-60-8, ISSN 2683-5568, DOI:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 

Sugested citation

Bursać, B., & Blanuša, A. (2022). Agroterrorism as a Threat to Modern Society. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), ERAZ Conference – Knowlegde Based Sustainable Development: Vol 8. Conference Proceedings (pp. 333-338). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.


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