ERAZ 2023 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
The issue of sustainable economic development has gained recognition and attention from esteemed academic institutions in the Balkans region and beyond. Notably, Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia); University of National and World Economy – UNWE, Sofia (Bulgaria); Center for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET), Research Laboratory of the Department of Political Science of University of Crete (Greece); Institute of Public Finance – Zagreb (Croatia); Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, University of St. Kliment Ohridski from Bitola (North Macedonia) along with the Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans have recognized the following issue and organized the 9th International Scientific Conference titled: Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – ERAZ 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic on June 1, 2023 in a hybrid format (in-person, online and virtually).
ERAZ 2023 Conference attracted the participation of over 300 researchers from 30 different countries.
Within publications from the ERAZ 2023 conference:
• 20 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2023 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected Papers,
• 69 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2023 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Conference Proceedings,
• 72 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2023 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Book of Abstracts.
ERAZ 2023 publications have nearly 1.000 pages.
ERAZ 2022 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
ERAZ 2022 Conference attracted the participation of over 100 researchers from 20 different countries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, North Macedonia, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and Ukraine. These researchers came from a diverse range of academic institutions, such as universities, eminent faculties, and scientific institutes, as well as from colleges, various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, and associations.
Within publications from the ERAZ 2022 conference:
• 11 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2022 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected Papers,
• 37 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2022 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Conference Proceedings,
• 70 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2022 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Book of Abstracts.
ERAZ 2022 publications have nearly 600 pages.
ERAZ 2021 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Participation in the 7th ERAZ conference took 165 researchers with the paper representing 19 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges and various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from the ERAZ 2021 conference:
• 14 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2021 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected Papers,
• 47 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2021– Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Conference Proceedings,
• 97 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2021 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Book of Abstracts.
ERAZ 2021 publications have more than 680 pages. Besides that, some papers were accepted for publication in the conference partner journals.
ERAZ 2020 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Participation in the 6th ERAZ conference took 123 researchers with the paper representing 19 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges and various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from the ERAZ 2020 conference:
• 11 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2020 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected Papers,
• 41 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2020 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Conference Proceedings,
• 69 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2020 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Book of Abstracts.
ERAZ 2020 publications have more than 520 pages. Besides that, some papers were accepted for publication in the conference partner journals.
ERAZ 2019 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Participation in the 5th ERAZ conference took 273 researchers with the paper representing 24 different countries from different universities, eminent faculties, scientific institutes, colleges and various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
Within publications from ERAZ 2019 conference:
• 23 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2019 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Selected Papers,
• 52 double peer reviewed papers have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2019 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Conference Proceedings,
• 64 abstracts have been published in the International Scientific Conference ERAZ 2019 – Knowledge Based Sustainable Development – Book of Abstracts.
ERAZ 2019 publications have more than 750 pages. Besides that, seven papers were accepted for publication in conference partner monograph with great indexation in Web of Science and SCOPUS (previous editions) and 41 papers have been accepted for publication in the conference partner journals.

ERAZ 2019 Selected Papers FINAL

ERAZ 2019 Conference Proceedings FINAL

ERAZ 2019 Book of Abstracts FINAL
ERAZ 2018 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Participation in the 4th ERAZ conference took 227 researchers with the paper representing:
- 21 different countries
- 80 different universities
- 69 eminent faculties
- 8 scientific institutes
- 17 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the ERAZ 2018 conference 97 papers and 30 abstracts have been published on more than 900 pages.

ERAZ 2018 Conference Proceedings Final

ERAZ 2018 Conference Agenda
ERAZ 2017 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Third international scientific conference ERAZ 2017 was held on June 8, 2017 in Metropol Palace Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia. The conference was opened by Miodrag Brzaković – PhD, associate professor at the Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance – Belgrade, Serbia. Also in the opening session of the conference participants were welcomed by Vuk Bevanda – PhD, president of the Organizing Committee of ERAZ 2017 – 3rd international scientific conference and associate professor at the Faculty of Business Studies, John Naisbitt University from Belgrade, Serbia.
Participation in the conference took a total of 132 researchers with the paper- representing:
- 17 different countries
- 46 different universities
- 45 eminent faculties
- 5 scientific institutes
- 10 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc
In the Conference Proceedings of the ERAZ 2017 conference 77 papers and 6 abstracts have been published on more than 650 pages.

ERAZ 2017 Conference Proceedings Final

ERAZ 2017 Conference Agenda
ERAZ 2016 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery
Second international scientific conference ERAZ 2016 was held on June 16, 2016 in Hotel Palace in Belgrade, Serbia. The conference was opened by Miro Simonič- PhD, professor at the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences from Celje, Slovenia. Also in the opening session of the conference participants were welcomed by Vuk Bevanda – PhD, president of organizing committee of ERAZ 2016 international scientific conference and professor at the Faculty of Business Studies, John Naisbitt University from Belgrade, Serbia.
Participation in the conference took a total of 104 researchers – 28 from Serbia and 76 from abroad representing:
- 15 different countries
- 32 different universities
- 28 eminent faculties
- two scientific institutes
- 7 colleges
- various ministries, local governments, public and private enterprises, multinational companies, associations, etc.
In the Conference Proceedings of the ERAZ 2016 conference 69 papers have been published on more than 600 pages.

ERAZ 2016 Conference Proceedings Final
ERAZ 2015 Conference Proceedings & Photo Gallery

ERAZ 2015 Conference Proceedings Final
The conference program ERAZ 2015 was carefully designed and combined presentation of the latest scientific achievements, interactive discussion and other forms of interpersonal exchange of experiences. The main topic of the conference is being processed through the following topics.
- Economic policy
- International economics
- Modern management and innovation
- Stock exchanges and financial markets
- Financial management and banking
- Marketing and trade
- Modern forms of entrepreneurship and investments
- Accounting and insurance
- Labor law
- Business law

The conference was opened by Miroljub Nikolić, PhD from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Department for Regional Development and Strategic Analysis of the Economy. Afterwards, participants were welcomed by Momcilo Zivkovic, PhD, Full-Time Professor from the Faculty of Business Studies – Megatrend University and Slagjana Stojanovska, PhD, Associate Professor from the Faculty of Business Economics from Skopje, Macedonia.
Participation in the conference has taken a total of 136 researchers – 67 from Serbia and 69 from abroad, specifically from:
- seven different countries (Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria)
- 28 different universities
- 32 eminent faculties
- four scientific institutes
five colleges - various ministries, local governments, public and private companies, multinationals, embassies and law firms.
In Proceedings of the Conference ERAZ 2015 were published more than 70 papers on more than 600 pages.
Scientific and research institutions participated in the ERAZ 2015 conference:
- University Dardania, Pristina
- Megatrend University, Belgrade
- Independent University, Banja Luka
- Pan-European University Apeiron, Banja Luka
- Slobomir P University, Doboj
- University American College Skopje
- University “Goce Delchev” Shtip
- University “Business Academy”, Novi Sad
- “Džemal Bijedić”, Mostar
- University “Nikola Tesla”, Gospic
- University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “, Skopje
- University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski “, Bitola
- University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica
- University of Information Science and Technology “Sv. Paul the Apostle “, Ohrid
- Metropolitan University, Belgrade
- University Singidunum, Belgrade
- University of Banja Luka
- University of Belgrade
- University of Kragujevac
- University of Nis
- University of Novi Sad
- University of Pozega
- University of Pristina with the temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica
- University of Rijeka
- University of Zagreb
- University Union – Nikola Tesla
- University for Business, Engineering and Management, PIM Banja Luka
- Vienna University of Technology
- Economics Institute, Belgrade
- Institute of Economics, Skopje
- Institute of Social Sciences, Center for Economic Research, Belgrade
- BAS Institute of Management, Bitola
- Belgrade Banking Academy – Faculty for Banking, Insurance and Finance, Belgrade
- Business Academy Smilevski – BAS Skopje
- Faculty Doba, Maribor
- Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka
- Faculty of Economics, Kragujevac
- Faculty of Economics, Niš
- Faculty of Economics, Prilep
- Faculty of Economics, Skopje
- Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor
- Faculty of Engineering electricity, computer engineering, Priština
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje
- Faculty of Project and Innovation Management, Belgrade
- Faculty of Commerce and Business Sciences, Slovenia
- Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Gevgelija
- Faculty of Business Economics, Skopje
- Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjacka Banja
- Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business, Podgorica
- Faculty of International Economics, Belgrade
- Faculty of Management, Zaječar
- Faculty of Business Studies and Law, Belgrade
- Faculty of Business Studies, Belgrade
- Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Konstantin Veliki”, Nis
- Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance, Belgrade
- Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Opatija
- University of Travnik, Pharmaceutical-health Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Iustinianus Primus School of Law, Skopje
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
- Law School, Mostar
- Faculty of Law, Novi Sad
- Faculty of Law, Zagreb
- Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Niš
- Technical Faculty, Bitola
Other institutions, participants in the conference:
- High Agricultural School, Saba
- College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade
- High Vocational School of Management and Business Communications, Sremski Karlovci
- Vocational School, Celje
- College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Finance, Republic of Macedonia
- Ministry of Defense, Republic of Macedonia
- Ministry of Defense, Republic of Serbia
- The municipality of Presevo
- Center for Social Work, Pancevo
- JP “Post of Serbia”, Belgrade
- Sparkasse Bank, Macedonia
- Libyan Embassy in Serbia
- Agency for the implementation of bankruptcy procedures “Stojković Office”, Novi Sad
- Law Office “Vera Čabarkapa”, Belgrade
- Siemens Belgrade
- Doo Montenegro Art
- Credit Agricole S.A. A.D.
- Vip Macedonia
- City Administration of Nis
- PUC Directorate for public transport the city of Nis
- Dunav Osiguranje ad
From a total of 30 papers whose authors are employed in research institutions headquartered in the Republic of Serbia, nine (30%) were exempted from paying the registration fee since they present the results of research within the scientific projects financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia which supported the ERAZ 2015 conference.
These projects are:
- OI 179001 – Organizational and information support system of quality management as a key factor for increasing the competitiveness of our companies and their rapid integration in the EU and the world market;
- OI 179066 – Improving the competitiveness of public and private sector through competencies networking in the process of integration of Serbia into European Union;
- III 47010 – Social transformations in the process of European integration – a multidisciplinary approach;
- III 47004 – Improving public policies in Serbia in order to improve the social security of citizens and sustainable economic growth;
- III 45003 – Optoelectronic nano-dimensional systems – the path to the application;
- III 44006 – The development of new information and communication technologies, using advanced mathematical methods, with applications in medicine, telecommunications, energy, protection of national heritage and education.
Conclusions of ERAZ 2015 Conference
Steady growth can not be an adequate response to the global economic problems. Solution is sustainable development, which in addition to economic growth, highlights the future.
Besides economic and legislative instruments, education and information are important instruments of the national strategies for achieving the sustainability.
Sustainable development should be promoted through formal, non-formal and lifelong learning, and educators must have the competences to include the theme of sustainable development in the learning process.
For sustainable development, in addition to developed science and technology, additional necessary developmental prerequisites are: a new system of human values, culture, ethics, morality, law …
Sustainable development needs to integrate past experience, current practice and future vision. Only the development that takes into account the future is development that serves everyone and is development. Sustainable development refers to the protection of health and the environment, the prosperity of the economy and society, and as such is important to everyone.
Creating competitive advantages of organizations certainly applies to social and environmental aspects of the business, which are in the shadow of the economic aspect. By applying the new approach to business, in which core are technological innovations, sustainable development of the organization could be ensured and create long-term benefits for both – the organization itself, and the community.
ERAZ 2015 conference – evaluation
Judging on the basis of the opinion of 18% of the ERAZ 2015 conference participants who voluntarily filled out the questionnaire and gave their opinion on the conference according to the following elements: the conference agenda, participants expertise, quality of presentation, type of presentation, the pace of the conference, the organization of the conference, to what extent participants’ expectations were satisfied, and overall opinion about the conference; using a scale of 1 – unsatisfactory to 5 – excellent; the first regional scientific conference on sustainable economic development was more than successful.
The highest grade participants gave for the organization of the conference – 4.56, and the lowest scores were about quality of presentations and method of presenting, 3.56 and 3.67 respectively. Overall conference score was 4.12.