Lesson Study: Contemporary Motivating Tool for Active and Reflective Learning Approach


Zhaneta Chonteva – Bureau for Development of Education, Ministry of Education and Science, Rugjer Boshkovikj, 20, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Kate Trajkova – University American College Skopje, Treta makedonska brigada, 60, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Lesson study;
Assessment for learning;
Critical thinking

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/ERAZ.2021.271

Abstract: Innovation of teaching approaches and motivation of students to become active and reflective learners had been at the core of education reform taking place in North Macedonia over the last 20 years. One key re­form tool was the introduction of the Lesson Study. A lesson study is a col­laborative approach towards developing and researching pedagogy. In attempting to implement said approach, teachers develop a deeper knowl­edge of both pedagogy and subject content knowledge. This leads to higher standards of educational achievement of students on all educational levels. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the utilizing of the Lesson Study approach in thirty primary schools in North Macedonia involved in the Eras­mus Plus Project: Assessment for Learning: Setting and Using Success Crite­ria in Math and Science Lessons in Primary Education (2016-2019). Findings indicate that the Lesson Study approach is a useful way to deal with the re­construction of the students’ role in the process of teaching and learning. Moreover, building students as active and reflective learners increase their preparedness to meet challenges of the complex social reality.

7th International Scientific ERAZ Conference – ERAZ 2021 – Conference Proceedings: KNOWLEDGE BASED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT,  Online/virtual, May 27, 2021

ERAZ Conference Proceedings published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans – Belgrade, Serbia

ERAZ conference partners: Faculty of Economics and Business, Mediterranean University, Montenegro; University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria; Faculty of Commercial and Business Studies – Celje, Slovenia; AMBIS University, Prague – Czech Republic; Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance – Belgrade, Serbia

ERAZ Conference 2021 Conference Proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-46-2, ISSN 2683-5568, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/ERAZ.2021

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission. 


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