EVA PODOVΕ OVNIK, PhD (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7449-7038)

In her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Social Sciences she has always shown strong interest for the methodology of (social) research and for the impact of new technologies in society, especially in education.

As an associate professor at the Faculty of Tourism Studies she is teaching quantitative research methodology, statistics and social network analysis and supervising students to finish their undergraduate and graduate theses. She is also a tutor for students at the Faculty of tourism studies since 2011.

Her theoretical background is multidisciplinar, since she has been studying sociology, methodology of social research, communication sciences, diffusion of new technologies in education, psychological theories and educational theories.

From her bibliography (https://bib.cobiss.net/bibliographies/si/webBiblio/bib201_20210412_084419_21779.html) it is possible to note that she has wrote papers and attended several international conferences with papers. Up to now, she has published 24 original scientific articles, 2 short scientific articles, 1 scientific conference contributions (invited lecture), 1 professional conference contribution (invited
lecture), 7 scientific conference contributions, 12 scientific conference contribution abstracts, 6 independent scientific component parts or chapters in a monography, 1 other component part, 1 scientific monograph, 2 other educational materials, 12 final research reports, 24 treatises, preliminary studies or studies and 2 unpublished conference contributions. She has given 20 invited lectures at foreign universities. She has been also editing a conference abstract book.

Since 2020 she is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence, published by IGI Global.

She has reviewed several scientific papers (https://publons.com/researcher/498116/eva-podovsovnik/).