University of National and World Economy – Sofia,Β “8-mi dekemvri” str. 1, UNWE, cab. 1089, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria

Associate Professor Dr. Hristina Oreshkova has been a lecturer at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, since 1992.

Associate Professor Dr. Hristina Oreshkova has acquired her teaching experience in Bachelor and Master’s degree courses as well as in postgraduate education at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Professional Qualification at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE).

Dr. Hristina Oreshkova acquired the degree of MSc in economics and accounting (1991) and a speciality and educational degree of pedagogics, pedagogical competences and legal capacity for teaching (1992) that enables her to teach special academic disciplines as Advanced Financial Accounting, Fundamentals of Accounting, National Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and others in the higher schools of economics.

Dr. Hristina Oreshkova acquired professional qualification and legal capacity of an expert in Forensic Accounting in the course of study in the specialty of Finance and Accounting (2002). Thereafter, Hristina Oreshkova has successfully defended her dissertation and was awarded the educational and scientific degree Doctor and the scientific title Associate Professor by the Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria.

During her activities at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) Dr. Hristina Oreshkova represented the University of National and World Economy at prestigious international scientific events in Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Belgium, Romania, Hungary, Greece and elsewhere.

Associate Professor Dr. Hristina Oreshkova specialized in the field of Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting in Great Britain. She has more than 90 scientific publications in the field of theory and methodology of Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting, some of which are published abroad.

Associate Professor Dr. Hristina Oreshkova has been nominated as a favorite lecturer by her students.

Associate Professor Dr. Hristina Oreshkova is a member of the Eurasian Business and Economic Society.

Area of scientific and professional interests
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards, The European Union Regulations, Directives and other acts regarding the international financial reporting, Integrated Reporting, International Integrated Reporting Framework, Non-financial reporting, Corporate sustainability reporting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of the United States of America