Marco Taliento was born in Apulia, Italy, in 1973. He received the Master Degree in Economics and Commerce from University of Bari, Italy, and a research grant in Logistics and distribution from University of Salento (Lecce), Italy.

Then he received the doctorate degree in Business Administration from University of Foggia, Italy, which enrolled him as researcher in 2002.

He is currently Professor of Business Economics at the University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy and he teaches Financial Accounting, Management and Corporate Valuation. President of the Business Administration Degree Course (Laurea in β€œEconomia Aziendale”), he works for the Scientific Committee of his University too.

He sits in PhD boards and he is member of both academic associations or societies and editorial boards of reputed Journals (as Economic Research – Ekonomska IstraΕΎivanja; WoS, Scopus).

Qualified as accountant and legal auditor, Prof. Taliento is registered as Expert Peer Reviewer for Italian Scientific Evaluation.

His research interests include international accounting and reporting, intangible assets management, value relevance, real options, fuzzy valuation, IPOs, public value, corporate governance and performance.