Klimentย Naumov – University of St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality-Ohrid, Kej Makedonija no. 95, 6000 Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia
Keywords:ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Standardized recipes;
Food quality;
Food consistency;
Substantial gastronomic
Abstract: A standardized recipe can be defined as guidance for the conยญstant preparation of an assemblage of food or drink at an expected qualยญity. The use of standardized recipes is justified for the reasons of inventory control, creativity, simplicity and consistency. The standard recipe or techniยญcal sheet includes certain irreplaceable elements: recipe name, yield, portion size, weight/amount, measure/unit, ingredients, instructions, and notes. The technical sheet is one of the most powerful documents in a food service operation. The benefits of the standardized recipes are vast. It is the basis for the planning of the kitchen and its inventory. It enables the chef to preยญdict and control the quality, quantity and portion cost of the final product by stating all the ingredients and preparation details. There is an increase in consumer satisfaction due to the constant delivery of high-quality and conยญsistent food. There is better control over the yield and the number of the proยญduced portions. Standard recipes are important for faster training of food service employees because of the supply of relevant information and set standards ensuring logical flow of work and increasing labor efficiency. And finally, the risk of foodborne illnesses is limited if the instructions on techniยญcal sheets are accurately followed.

9th International Scientific ERAZ Conference โ ERAZ 2023 โ Conference Proceedings: KNOWLEDGE BASED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, hybrid โ online, virtually and in person, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1, 2023
ERAZ Conference Proceedings published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans – Belgrade, Serbia
ERAZ conference partners: Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Maribor (Slovenia); University of National and World Economy โ UNWE, Sofia (Bulgaria); Center for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET), Research Laboratory of the Department of Political Science of University of Crete (Greece); Institute of Public Finance โ Zagreb (Croatia); Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid, University of St. Kliment Ohridski from Bitola (North Macedonia)
ERAZ Conference 2023 Conference Proceedings: ISBN 978-86-80194-72-1, ISSN 2683-5568, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/ERAZ.2023
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission.ย
Suggested citation
Naumov, K. (2023).The Employment of Standardized Recipes, an Essential Prerequisite for Consistent Quality of the Culinary Product. In V. Bevanda (Ed.), ERAZ Conference – Knowlegde Based Sustainable Development: Vol 9. Conference Proceedings (pp. 401-410). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans. https://doi.org/10.31410/ERAZ.2023.401
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