Vera Karadzova has a PHD in Economic Sciences and is a full professor at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality in Ohrid at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola. She is a vice dean for Financial Affairs at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality in Ohrid. Her areas of interest are risk types and risk management; investments and investment management; insurance; and macro economics by analyzing monetary economics, finance, and applied economics. Among the other qualifications and certificates that she possesses can be mention: Certificate for participation in securities operations issued by the Securities Commission; an International certificate for working with securities issued by the Securities Institute of London; a License for expertise in the field of material, accounting and financial operations issued by the Ministry of Justice.
She is the author or co-author of over 90 peer-reviewed scientific research and professional papers published in professional publications and presented at national and international conferences, symposia and seminars, as well as papers published in international scientific journals and journals with an impact factor. As a member of the international scientific board of international conferences and international scientific journals, she participates in peer review of scientific works in the country and abroad. Also, she is the author or co-author of several university textbooks.
She has realized study stays at foreign universities through programs for international mobility of teaching staff, as well as participation in an international summer school as a lecturer.
She has participated and worked or managed several national and international scientific research and application projects within the home faculty, and she was also expertly engaged in projects outside the home faculty.