Gudrun Fritz-Schmied

Gudrun Fritz-Schmied Mag. Dr., ao. Univ.-Prof (Associate Professor) Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics,Β University of Klagenfurt, Austria Research interests: financial accounting, reporting, taxation (normative research...

Zobova Ludmila L.

Zobova Ludmila L. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Economics Kemerovo State University. Kemerovo, Russia. The field of scientific interests is the spatial economy, spatial competition, international economic relations, international competition. Member...

Γ‰va ErdΓ©lyi

Dr. Γ‰va ErdΓ©lyi was born in Novi Sad; she studied Mathematics at EΓΆtvΓΆs LorΓ‘nd University of Budapest, and later achieved a PhD degree in the discipline of Plant Production and Horticultural Sciences. She is presently an associate professor at the Faculty of Commerce,...

Maria Lakatos

MΓ‘ria Lakatos is an associate professor and deputy head of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business in the University of JΓ‘nos Neumann (KecskemΓ©t, Hungary). She is an assistant professor at the Institute of Business Economics...

Annalisa Baldissera

Annalisa Baldissera – Born in Breno (BS) on 18 August 1968. – Scientific high school 1982-1987. – Graduate in Business Economics on April 27th 1992 – University of Brescia – Italy.Β  – Ph. D in β€œEconomy of Corporate Institutions and Systems” in...

Diana Kopeva

Diana Kopeva is a full time professor at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. She gives lectures on Strategic management, Entrepreneurship and Business Planning. She is one of the leading researchers in the area of entrepreneurship in...